Japanese teacher Chika


Professional Teacher
From JapanLiving in Other, Japan (20:48 UTC+09:00)
About Me
italki teacher since Jan 6, 2022
Interest topicFoodTravelReading
Hello, My name is Chika. I am Japanese, I was born and raised in Hiroshima. I love travelling abroad. I had been to more than 15 countries. I went short-time abroad in Australia and U.S. when I was young. I also study English conversation and TOEIC online. So, I know learning second language is difficult at first. I hope I will help you learning one of the amazing language in the world "Japanese". I am friendly, positive and easy to get along with everyone. こんにちは。私は「ちか」です。私は広島で生まれ育った日本人です。 私は海外旅行が大好きです。今までに15か国以上の外国に行ったことがあります。学生時代にオーストラリアとアメリカに短期留学をしました。現在、私もオンラインで英会話やTOEICの勉強中ですので第二外国語を学ぶ難しさはよく分かります。皆さんの日本語学習のお役に立てたら嬉しいです。皆さんにお会いできるのを楽しみにしています!

Japanese Lessons

Trial Lesson
40 lessons completed
USD 12.00+
Conversational Japanese Practice
A2 -  C1

Conversation Practice

216 lessons completed
USD 13.00+
Package with 12% off
[For Kids :Age 2~15] Hiragana, Katakana, Vocabularies and Grammar for beginners
A1 -  A2


8 lessons completed
USD 20.00+
Package with 10% off
Free Plan Lesson (open curriculum)
A2 -  C2


26 lessons completed
USD 30.00+
Package with 6% off


Based on your timezone (UTC+00:00)

47 Reviews

Student Marcin
7 Japanese lessons
Teacher’s pick
Oct 11, 2022
Student Larry Campbell
Larry Campbell
2 Japanese lessons
Teacher’s pick
I enjoyed the lesson very much. The teacher was always willing to talk and bring up different topics to keep the conversation going. The teacher was always interested in what I had to say and was very friendly!
Sep 14, 2022
Student Leila Jashmine
Leila Jashmine
12 Japanese lessons
Teacher’s pick
全てお世話になりました。今日もちかさんが私を助けられました!一緒に日本語プレスメントインタビューのためにしていたり、小説の続きを読んだり、よく話したりして、楽しかったんですね!すごく勉強になりました。ちかさん、心からありがとうございます! She’s a great and supportive teacher, always so prepared. I personally cannot recommend her enough!
Mar 28, 2022
Student Cameron Dergham
Cameron Dergham
17 Japanese lessons
I always look forward to my weekly lesson with Chika-sensei - conversations with her are fun, engaging, and informative and I feel much more prepared for my upcoming trip than before! チカ先生、勉強になった本当にありがとうございます!次の楽しくて興味深い会話を楽しみにしている、いつも通り!
May 22, 2024
Student Cameron Dergham
Cameron Dergham
17 Japanese lessons
Chika-sensei's lessons are both fun and informative, and I always look forward to our conversations. She's very attentive and gives great answers to all of my language related questions each session! ちか先生はすごくいい先生ですよ!やっぱり次回を楽しみにしている
May 1, 2024
Student Cameron Dergham
Cameron Dergham
17 Japanese lessons
Chika-sensei's lessons continue to help prepare me for my upcoming trip to Japan, and I feel like I can hold daily conversation decently well at this point! From here it's really a matter of continuing to deepen and broaden my knowledge of the language and hopefully make my way towards some semblance of 'fluency' eventually! ちか先生、いつもの楽しい会話ありがとうございます!毎回のレッスンの後で、もっと日本の旅行に整ったと思います。
May 1, 2024
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