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Привет, опять понедельник! 📅 My Conversational dacha group classes in May went well at all levels: A – beginner level, B - intermediate, C - advanced, and it will be open until autumn. Speaking of levels … The benefits of understanding your level When I worked at a language school in London (my opinion about the UK was - I don't like the weather, wait, no, I still don't like the weather), anyway, when I worked there, I noticed how many courses there are for students of all levels in one classroom. For grammar courses, such as motion verbs or pronunciation there can be a wide range of students' levels, but a conversational group for A2 up to B2, I saw there for the first time, then everywhere online and offline. Please check your level, this will help you move forward, ask your teacher to help determine your level, and avoid dubious conversational clubs at all levels at once. There is no benefit from training a professional athlete and a beginner in the same team - the same thing here. _______________ If you want to learn Russian effectively at your level, you can check my schedule, as always, I’m glad to help everyone who really wants to learn. 🤟
The most popular A2 type question Ты ... определять свой уровень?
5 quizzed
Jun 3, 2024 10:07 PM
1.The Universal Access Scheme which granted free access to all Government Sponsored Museums, Art Galleries and some places of national interest in the UK began in December 2001.  This was known as a DCMS Scheme since the Government department responsible for these places is currently called the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). Research claims that free entry to these places are key motivators for tourists visiting the UK. By removing entrance fees to these places, everyone, including tourists has free access to a type of Education which only the Arts and a dialogue about living history can bring. 2.Culture and the Artistic endeavor has long been a bone of contention in the UK because it is difficult for any progressive capitalist Government to see how the Arts, including a celebration of history could generate an income which could be sustainable, stable and contributory to the economy. As a result, funding for artistic projects and endeavors is often cut when money needs to be saved. Yet there is a beauty in our history, not because it is history itself but because of it’s endurance and stamina which in part at least has been preserved through our museums, Art galleries and ongoing projects. It is this historical archive which our Government has made available to  millions by removing entrance fees.
Free Entry to Museums and Galleries in the UK - A Short History
Jun 2, 2024 5:30 PM
Japanese Podcast for Beginners|| きれいな アイスティー | VERY VERY EASY Native JAPANESE! ♯18 アイスティーを つくりました。 と~っても いい かおりが して、きれいです✨ CMの アイスティーみたいです! 📖きょうの おはなし 「きれいな アイスティー」 00:00 こおり 00:34 こうちゃ 00:45 コップ 01:35 こおりが できました 02:25 アイスティー 02:45 ネコの ゲンブガンちゃん Q.みなさんも もう つめたい のみものを のんでいますか。 🦔🍎 ちょっと むずかしい ことば・ぶん 🍅🦔 It is useful to copy and paste words you don't understand into the translation‼ Microsoft Translator / Google Translator: You can also check the reading of kanji‼‼ 1))こおり 00:00 ・氷 ・作る ・アイスティー ・ひとつひとつ ・ゆっくり ・水 ・入れる ・こぼれる ・ゆっくり入れなければ(いけません。)水がこぼれてしまう ・冷凍庫(freezer) 【grammar check!】 ①ところだ ②Volitional Form+と思う ③ていく ④なければいけません ⑤てしまう 2))こうちゃ 00:34 ・紅茶(black tea) ・濃い 【grammar check!】 ①Nが できる〈be completed/finished〉 3))コップ 00:45 ・今度* ・コップ ・選ぶ ・長い⇔短い ・中(なか) ・大きい⇔小さい ・飲むところ ・細い ・あまり~ない ・どちらが いいかな?? ・決める *This ``こんど(今度)'' is used to mean ``つぎ(次)'' Example)「こんどのでんしゃはとうきょうえきまでとまりません(今度の電車は東京まで止まりません)」The next train won't stop until Tokyo Station.. 【grammar check!】 ①Potential verb/ V- dictionary form ことが できる 4))こおりができました 01:35 ・取る ・取り出す ・硬い ・なかなか~ない ・入る はいる ・カラン(onomatopoeia) ・音 ・最後に ・ひとつ、ふたつ、みっつ、よっつ、いつつ、むっつ、ななつ、やっつ 【grammar check!】 ①Nができる〈be completed/finished〉 ②なければいけない ③reasonて、 ④Potential verb 5))アイスティー 02:25 ・うわぁ ・CM(しーえむ、commercial) ・匂い ・香り 【grammar check!】 ①Nが できる〈be completed /finished〉 ②みたいだ ③〈Sensation that the speaker has perceived: voice, sound, smell, taste etc...〉が する* *"Minna no Nihongo Elementary Japanese 2 Translation & Grammar Notes-English" p.139 6))ネコのゲンブガンちゃん 02:45 ・一人で ・冷たい ・いただく ・飲み物 ・ドリンク(drink) ・もうすぐ ・夏 【grammar check!】 ①Verb stem+に 来る ②ては いけない(ちゃ いけない)③Potential verb Japanese Podcast for Beginners VERY VERY EASY Native JAPANESE video podcast
きれいな アイスティー
こおりは、コップに いくつ はいった?
3つ みっつ
4つ よっつ
6つ むっつ
8つ やっつ
6 quizzed
Jun 2, 2024 6:19 AM
En este cuento verás lo que le ocurrió un día a un burro que ya no quiso andar más porque no tenía ganas. Antes de comenzar la lectura: 1. ¿Qué le ocurre a un polo cuando lo sacamos del congelador? 2. ¿Qué les ocurre a los cubitos de hielo cuando los ponemos en un vaso de agua? 3. ¿Qué le ocurrió al burrito con el hielo? Adivínalo. Presta atención a la lectura de tu profesora. Era invierno, hacía mucho frío y todos los caminos estaban helados. El asno, que estaba cansado, no se encontraba con ganas para caminar hasta el establo. —iEa, aquí me quedo, ya no quiero andar más —se dijo, dejándose caer al suelo. Un hambriento gorrioncillo fue a posarse cerca de su oreja y le dijo; —Asno, buen amigo, ten cuidado; no estás en el camino, sino en un lago helado. —¡Déjame, tengo sueño! Y con un largo bostezo, se quedó dormido. Poco a poco, el calor de su cuerpo comenzó a fundir el hielo hasta que, de pronto, se rompió con un gran chasquido. El asno despertó al caer al agua y empezó a pedir socorro, pero nadie pudo ayudarlo, aunque el gorrión quiso, pero no pudo. Idioma que habla
The donkey and the ice
Jun 2, 2024 4:35 PM
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